
What would happen if one of my veins break?

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What would happen if one of my veins break?

How do i know if that has happened to me?

What should you do if so?




  1. you would lose so much blood so fast that you would die, your probly talkin bout blood vessils there smaller and easier to pop, you will probly see blood underneath ur skin and feel sudenly week and light headed go to the hospital if you got no time you beter cut ur self open and reatacht those blood vessils

  2. then where eva ur vein was will be bleeding bad

  3. Hi ,s***w

    if ur vein brakes it will swell & u will have severe pain .

  4. Veins (compared to arteries) are very tiny and it's not uncommon for them to break. Bloodshot eyes, for example, could be caused by veins breaking. A common bruise can be caused by veins breaking. Pretty common ... nothing to worry about.

    As far as an artery breaking, you don't have to worry about that either ... unless you're in a bad car accident or get stabbed, etc.

  5. internal bleeding

    a dark pigment shows under your skin

    go to the hospital immediately

    :)hope your okay

  6. u mean pop?

    umm go to the doctor

    because its not good at all if ur veins pop

  7. I think what your really worried about is an artery breaking, in which case you won't be conscious long enough to worry.

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