
What would happen if people from the United Nations and NGOs entered a country without permission from...?

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its dictators? Say, if they flew a helicopter right past the red tape (figurative) and into a disaster-struck area to help with humanitarian relief?




  1. The military of the violated country would have the right to shoot down any aircraft used for such, to arrest any person involved in such -- even to shoot them. To violate the sovereignty of a country is considered an act of war.

    The UN and NGOs will NOT go into a country unless they are invited. Respecting a country's sovereignty is absolutely critical/fundamental to their being able to provide aid to people who need it most.

  2. They'd have some 'splainin to do.

  3. They would be in trouble.  The Dic head would seize whatever they brought in and keep it to fulfill their greed.

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