
What would happen if platypuses were born with machine guns on their backs?

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hhhhmmmm....these are the questions that haunt me




  1. That's a stupid question!

    It would be very bad but impossible because gun are made by humans so it might be like acid spit spitter or something like that but not a gun.

  2. argh me thinks ya been watchin tooo much Austin Powers , Yeah  Baby,, Yeah.

  3. the plural of platypus is actually platapus'. and they hatch from eggs.

  4. They would no longer have to fear being hit by jetskiers.

    Oh wait, that's Manatees I'm thinking of. Still......

  5. They really wouldn't be "puses" would they? They would be platybadas ses.

  6. We'd better all hope they are pacifists.

  7. And if pigeons were equipped with bomb bay doors .

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