
What would happen if........?

by  |  earlier

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What would happen if I accidently left my contacts in my eyes and went to sleep.......

I've always wondered that question ( dont ask y)...lolzz.

Well if u no then do tell! thnkss.




  1. Your eyes will start to burn in the morning!

  2. a lot of people just get really red, dry, irritated eyes and the contact is hard to take off. but when it happens to me, the contacts roll into the back of my eyes because I'm sleeping. that makes them really hard to get out.

    if you have sensitive eyes, then you might even need a doctor to take the contact out. otherwise you can put eye drops in the the contact will regain moisture and should come off

  3. your eyes will be very irritated.  

  4. i do that a lot. just makes your contact stick to your eye real bad.

  5. it was be dry because of the lack of moisture.

    dont freak out if this is your first time sleeping in them.

    just be careful time;]

  6. They will feel really dry.  

  7. nothing, they will just be dry in the morning because of the lack of moister, but you'll be fine. A nap in contacts once in a while is ok, but you shouldn't sleep in contacts a lot because it gives you a bigger risk of getting an eye infection!

  8. It might hurt like h**l in the morning. When you have your contacts and wide awake, your body releases tears in the eyes and keeps it watery to keep out all the dust.

    When you ARE ASLEEP HOWEVER, your brain shuts down any other vital function of the body (except digestion, thinking, and breathing).

    When you wake up, all the dust from the night are going to your contacts and when that happens, your eyes will water up to clean the dust...which is going to sting like h**l.

    So yeah, don't do it.

  9. I've been an optician for 20 years.  The worst I've seen is a fellow who slept in his lenses for 46 days and had to have them surgically removed which left a huge circular scar around his iris.  Best case - you'll just be very dry and oxygen deprived in the morning.  Sleeping in them is a great way to grow bacteria and cause infections.  The lack of oxygen to the cornea can be damaging and could cause permanent damage.  Your doctor tells you not to sleep in them for a reason.  Believe him/her.  Your vision is worth the very best care you can give yourself!

  10. the wolves will come and eat them,  

  11. My mom used to scare me so I wouldn't get contacts by telling me they would fall into my eye sockets and behind my eye balls if I fell asleep with them on.

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