
What would happen if the US managed to conquer all of the Middle East and Russia?

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Jumpininja, you are very stupid for what you just said. The U.S. could kick your countries' @$$. And if you live the United States, shame on you!




  1. First I'm not a US citizen but was an Officer in the Army of one of your allies so do not take anything I am saying as anything but objective.

    If you take the literally meaning of conquer it would mean those places become part of the US.  Essentially you would be conquering yourself out of existance since you would now be a small minority.

    2.  There is a matter of what is known as Military Geography even if every single US citizen became a member of the Armed Forces you would not have enough people to occupy that large an area and population.

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Stop it. You crack me up. The U.S. can't even take over a country of dirt farmers.

  3. I don't think they can. If they are, they probably become fascist or dictator.

    The United States not a unlimited army country, they can't put all the soldiers in a large area like that

  4. jumpininja is right that unless we go against what our country stands for and pull a Stalin, we wouldn't be able to conquer them in the classic sense. What I think would happen if we pulled the same tactics as we do in  Iraq, then basically you would have 4000 soldiers dying a month or a year or something. If we pulled total war tactics, then we would probably rule a desert (or tundra) and call it peace. It really would not benefit us to do that. Better to bring them under our e economic influence, and give us knockdown prices on their oil reserves (better yet, allow us to drill there!).

    Come to think of it we would then have an awful lot of the world's reserve of oil wouldn't we? But then China would probably make a move on Siberia and we would be too overextended to stop them (unless we were able to somehow recruit the former Russians into our army and know they are reliable enough to just as soon turn the guns we would give them on us.

    Main reason US has not gone up against an equal power (other than Japan who was equal militarily) by itself is because no country wants to try to fight the US. Face it, you know it is the truth. Everyone knows the US is just as unconquerable as Russia or China, so no one wants to try.

  5. Russia is to big to defeat by ourselves. as for the middle east we have allies there so conquering the whole Middle east is not possible because we would need to fight our allies who we would need to win a war if we ever thought about invading say a country like Iraq.

    It would be logistically impossible to defeat all  those countries by ourselves we wouldn't have the support to do so.

    And I would like to know what dirt farmers ninja is talking about. My guess is hes never been outside his house much less the country

  6. you are dreaming !!! the usa could never win any war byitself as the past did show.

    let alone against russia     just try !!

  7. Well, first of all, every single living breathing American will have to move to the middle east, because that is how many troops it would take to control such a huge area, filled with millions who would naturally hate a conquering army..

    The US can destroy, they cannot 'conquer'.

    And of course, a simple look at a map shows the size of Russia. It too, could be occupied, but not conquered.  Even the Chinese, with 4 times the population of the US, could never even conceive of conquering Russia.

  8. The United States has no intention of doing anything like that and does not want to do anything like that.

    the United States wants a Middle East that is free of Muslim Terrorism.

    the United States wants Russia as an ally working with us rather than against us.

  9. We can't.  I mean we CANNONT physically do this.  First our military is streched to the breaking point.  Second why would we want too?  We're in 3 wars right now (Drug war, Afgainistan, Iraq) and the moron idiot in the white house is thinking about going into Iran.

    Now, Iran I'd like to attack- namely for revenge of our hostages from 30 years ago.  But thats personal, not professional so that doesn't count

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