
What would happen if the general election in November is tied in votes for the delegates?

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Just curious what would happen if the election is tied in electoral college? What does the constitution say about this?




  1. House of Reps decides.

  2. Is this likely?  Doesn't seem so according to most recent reports.  However:

    "If this happened, the race would go to Congress--and its next House would cast its votes for President. But instead of 435 members voting individually, each state delegation would have one vote."

  3. One candidate has to hit 270 electoral votes. If that doesn't happen, the election is thrown to the House of Representatives. The supreme court only gets involved if there is a legal dispute over the vote count or some other such thing.  

  4. The House of Representatives decides. At least that is what is supposed to happen. Could be the Supreme Court though.

  5. bad bad memories of the 2000 election come to mind

  6. it goes to the electoral college to decide who's going to be president

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