
What would happen if the govenment stopped doing welfare for people?

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What would happen if the govenment stopped doing welfare for people?




  1. They would have to get off their a@@ and get to work. Also maybe we would start to see less out of wedlock births.  

  2. These people would not starve. They would get jobs, or they would get help from relatives, churches, and charities. Some would turn to crime, but I wouldn't expect a crime wave. Some children would end up in foster homes as their parents couldn't provide for them. I believe that it would be a good idea to set a date to end welfare, as it encourages sloth.

  3. It might just eliminate the lower class.

  4. There will always be people who are in need, and I think this country is wealthy enough to support that need. That being said, second and third generation welfare recepients, with two cars, a big screen TV, who smoke and drink, should be hammered.

  5. Unemployment and crime rates would go through the roof as poor people turned to crime to support themselves or tried to find and take jobs that they aren't able to get or handle because of disability or other problems such as lack of skills. probably also have the homeless shelters overflowing since no subsidized housing means that the poor all end up homeless.  

  6. the lazy bums would have to get off their asses and work for a change.

    the naacp and aclu would go nuts .with those kind of people there would probably be alot of riots and looting. you know jungle like behavior just like after katrina

  7. Lazy people would have to actually find a job and start working to support themselves.

  8. The lazy people would be forced to work for a living, unemployment rate would drop, and the extra money could go to more important things in this country.

  9. be easier to find hookers.  

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