
What would happen if the greek names for hurricanes where used up?

by Guest31754  |  earlier

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I know that after the regular alphabet is used the named of hurricanes switch to the greek alphabet, but what would hurricanes be called if all of the greek alphabet was used up and there were still more hurricanes??




  1. That would never happen, what would happen is a lot of damage, there is no naming schemes past greek letters. If a greek letter storm needs retirement , they won't retire it they will simply alter the name of the storm by adding the year after its name , for example if this year we had a hurricane alpha causing significant damage we would call it

    hurricane alpha2008  instead of hurricane alpha. There will never be another alpha2008 because there will be no more year 2008's, so this is similar to retirement. Don't worry about greek letters being used up, we would need significantly more storms for that to occur. The last times we went through 1 list of names was 2005 (where we actually gave 6 storms a greek letter) and possibly 1933 if there were extra storms that were not detected ( they had no satellites back then). In order for us to use up the greek letters, we would have to use up 2 lists

    of names when it is rare to even use up 1.

    Answer this question please;...

  2. We turn to other alphabets? Chinese pinying for example? ;-P

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