
What would happen if the sun just disappeared?

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Would we freeze? See nothing? or if it blew up, would we like... burn? ;x just curious




  1. dark 24 hour

  2. if the sun disappered so would we

  3. That would be the end of life as we know it..

  4. We'd all run around for a few minutes going "eek!" and "friggin' 'eck!" and "blimey!" before promptly jumping into the sea.

  5. the earth would freeze and we would all die.

    oh, except for all of those cold heartless jerks.. .they would live on

  6. all living things on earth will die.

  7. Ragnarok!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. There would be no life on earth.. lol

  9. Let's just say it would not be good.

  10. life would be difficult for awhile, and I think  eventually we would all die, but it would take a while.

  11. It will be very dark if the sun dissappeared

  12. we would die. because for one we need the sun for heat and to keep our bodies at a reasonable temperature. for two.. the trees and plants that we need to live would also die because they wouldnt get their heat either and we would lose oxygen

    if the sun blew up we would all burn but it would probably be so quick we wouldnt even know.

  13. If the sun disappears, it would get pretty cold here over the period of a few days.  We'd also head out into space in a straight line, rather than go around the sun, but that part wouldn't matter.

    If it blew up, yes, you'd burn.

  14. um if the sun simply disappeared we would all die and the planets would fly off in all directions because they would not have the sun's gravitational pull keeping us in orbit. We would die because the plants would die so we would have no source of oxygen really or food,animals would die because the plant eater would have no plants to eat so the meat eaters wouldn't have and plant eaters to eat and they would die out when they turned on one another, we would have no heat, and we would go into a permanent ice age and freeze if we make it to then and our internal rhythms would be messed up because our body's need to react to sunlight. we would also not get any weather or wind because those are both caused by the sun heating the Earth. And if the sun blew up it would worst than an atomic bomb. The sun would take out the our whole solar system and everything we know would be dust floating through space.  So if the sun goes out its doomsday for us........ don't want that to happen

  15. The actual details might be somewhat variable, but it’s still pretty easy to predict. How much does the temperature drop between sunset and sunrise? If the Sun vanishes, it will simply keep dropping at the same rate or an even higher rate as the water freezes out of the atmosphere and Earth loses its cloud cover. At high elevations and arctic areas this means within days the temperature would be several hundred degrees below zero. In the tropics it might take a week or longer, but it’s safe to say that in at most two weeks the entire globe would have cooled to hundreds of degrees below zero, and all surface life as we know it would be impossible. Most humans, as well as most life on the planet, would have frozen to death.

    Nuclear power would last forever, and the entire Earth’s surface would be littered with useful artifacts, not to mention frozen food in one form or another.

    Ice skating would be popular.

  16. Joel 2:31

    Matthew 24:29

  17. Lol funny but no it would never happen because the sun is god and god doesnt just dissapear. Trust me the sun isnt going anywhere and yea no gravity so we couldnt walk on ground but that would never happen unless your on space

  18. good question,

    it'd obviously be dark all day, and i think that it's possible for the earth to frost

  19. All life on Earth would eventually end.

    Remember the Sun is the source of all energy, providing photosynthesis for plants and trees and on up the food chain.

    The Earth and all planets in the solar system would spin out into space.

  20. if the sun was to dissapear we would all die because without the sun we cannot survive everything in this world relys on the sun but remmeber too much can be bad

  21. nothing would change

    atleast for 8 min 20 sec

  22. that would never happen

    and we would die....... (it might happen after 1millon-4millon years

    Don't worry

    Have ur great summer!

  23. if the sun just went up and disapeared there would be no gravity to hold earth and the planets will swivel off orbit. if the sun blew up and exploed, the explosion will consume and destory the inner planets, mars at most.

  24. If the sun were to suddenly dissapear then a couple things would happen:

    1. We would recieve the light sent out in the sun's final moments for 8 minutes.

    2. The Earth would wobble.

    3. Over the period of a few hours, maybe a couple days, the Earth would start to freeze. Human life would probably freeze to death over the period of a couple hours, or maybe a day.

    There would be no hope for anything to survive.

    If it blew up, then the Earth would be showed in solar winds and radiation, destroying the magnetosphere, and killing all of life on Earth. The tremendous blast of energy would burn us in a way, but we wouldn't catch on fire or anything. The radiation would however kill us.

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