
What would happen if the worlds rotation reversed?

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just a thought




  1. Its goin to reverse cuz the world keeps gettng slower but its going to take a long time. Some people think a lot of different things... like we're all going to float into space even before it changes direction because there wont be enough spinning to make gravity... others think everything is just going to blow up... im not sure but i dont think it going to happen in our lifetime... i'd be very surprised if i did

  2. The transition would be very disruptive.  Yes, the sun would rise in the west instead of the east.  But the pattern of the trade winds and the jet streams would change dramatically.  Probably ocean currents would also.  That would dramatically affect global weather patterns, much more than the proposed 'global warming'.  Europe is temperate because of the Gulf Stream.  The entire aquatic food chain is based on phytoplankton, which are very dependent on ocean currents.

    Computer models of ocean and air movement are quite well developed and reliable.  They could almost certainly be changed to predict the results in detail.  Who knows, someone may have already done that!  Try some research.

  3. the sun would rise in the west and set in the east

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