
What would happen if there is nobody willing to talk you?

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people, often choose people to talk to.

but, what if, you're not the kind of person people like to talk to(like, someone emotional) and you're more than used to talking to yourself?




  1. Nothing. I run into that quite often. Have been running into that most of my life.

  2. threes always someone out there that will talk to you-threes so many different kinds of people in the world that's threes something for every one-and if for some reason i couldn't find anyone to talk to id talk to my self-id listen to talk-back radio-id read and create and talk to animals-and probably wouldn't miss out on much

  3. I find that after some time on internet forums, you get to know people.  They can't judge you by looks because they can't see you.

    You can always find people to talk to online.

  4. I very much agree with Luc T.

    There is always someone to talk to online.

    And people do listen and are willing to talk.

    I know what it is like to be lonely.

    I love being on my computer.

    It makes me happy and sometimes I have a laugh too.

    I meet many interesting people.

    Take care


  5. Then you get to know yourself and you learn to deal with that kind of situation.

  6. If no one were willing to talk to me, I would not talk to other people. I'm a recluse by nature and my best friend is a fine point pen and his kissing cousin, college ruled paper...I would write if no one would talk to me.  

    I'm not given to talking to myself. I prefer to find music I enjoy and sing.

  7. I say get a volleyball and name it Wilson....!

  8. you'll end up lik will smith in I AM LEGENED ... =\

  9. maybe you haven't searched in the right places. find someone with the same interests, brackground...anything in common. and try to listen to what they say, be empathic, show understanding, and they'll do that in return for you. it could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship :)

  10. then get to no urself pretty good.

  11. then you get on answers.

  12. i already am like

    i mostly only talk to my family since people at school are very mean and racist sometimes...and i have never met anyone who is nice enough to even talk to me since they know the kind of stuff i like and the kind of things i am into...bleh

    i'm not emotional either >.<

  13. I have that here where I the bible belt.  Everybody knows everybody, I'm not from here, I don't know everybody and I don't go to church.  So I'm shunned.  I'm cool with it and don't mind one bit actually.  I talk to my family and that's good enough for me.  If they aren't willing to look past my Atheism and won't give me a chance because of that ONE aspect about me, then I really don't want to know them!

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