
What would happen if troops pulled out of Iraq?

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If we were to pull ALL of the troops out of Iraq right now, what would happen? What would be the positives and the negatives of doing this?




  1. Can't just pull out, a little at a time!

  2. well, first of all, we are not fully sure of why we are there in the first place so leaving could be a good thing but also, USA just quitting a fight sounds kind of bad! I think that the US government should talk with the Iraq Government and come up with something! Maybe a serious problem to fight over or a resolution because killing other people for no reason is stupid! Also, a good thing about leaving is that solders could not be put in harms way as much and it could also stall a nuclear threat! Hopefully our government has the common sense to know that though!    

  3. positives?

    troops will go home.

    most think they should not be there in the first place.

    Saddam had no WMDs.

    See link below


    iraq will CONTINUE to descend into a civil war ( saddam stopped the in-fighting when he seized power in the 70s.)  

    that will probably leave more innocent men, women & children dead, while the factions fight for supremacy & the billions of barrels of Oil.

    In short the power lies in the oil as avarice fuels the fighting.

    second link

  4. If we pulled out of Iraq, we could worry about fixing our economy and status at home. The really bad thing that would happen is, the terrorists would retake Iraq and probably set up another dictator in power, innocent people would die, and it would make the region allot less secure. The war in Iraq is killing our economy, so if we pull out then maybe we can start over and start fixing our problems on the home front. so yeah thats my view on pulling out of Iraq.  

  5. terrorist will run rampant all over the world

  6. peace might break out.

  7. If we pull out of Iraq another guy like Saddam Hussein is going to take over.

  8. You have to ask yourself what are we doing out there in the first place ,take into the equation the global oil shortage and foriegn policy on ties to our allies and you get Iraq .

    firstly we and America will not invade a country that can half defend itself

    look at Korea Iran ,China,Russia because if they did there own people would kick up if there people came home in body bags  then you look at a countries areas of wealth in Iraq case this would be oil ,so far the allies have had in excess of 10 billion pounds worth out of there and the longer we stay the more they will take its simple economics .if we came out eventually the country would go back the way it was your fuel bills would go up and we would have to start a punch up somewhere else to justify paying the defence budget to the standard there at now ,this intends to go on for quite some time and the building of two super carriers comfirms this to some degree .in short our bills would go up our troops would be safe in the short term anyway .this is my opinion

  9. I personally think pulling out of Iraq is stupid. Think about it, if we're not having war over there, then where are we going to have it?? The United States. so its best if it stays over there.

  10. our economy would be horrible

    alot of people would lose jobs because all the veterans would get them

  11. the only positive that i can think of is that all the troops would be home really.

    there are so many negatives that i can think of.

    1. america would look like a super wuss since we couldn't finish what we started over there

    2. democrats would be happy yet would look like idiots the moment we get another terrorist attack

    3. terrorists would see america as a weak country and could possibly attack us again

    4. nothing would be resolved

    5. we as a country would no longer be safe

    6. conflicts with the middle east would continue and would be far worse

    there's so many more  

  12. american troops dont die +

    Innocent people die in iraq -

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