
What would happen if we burned carbon dioxide in water, would we beable to make energy out of it?

by  |  earlier

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Also planctin are dividing more cell to speed up their consumption of carbon dioxide. Would we be able to use this to make energy, similar to using enzymes in order to absorb waste.




  1. Then there won't be much water left if we can do it (most people would use this method for profit.)

  2. make you question more  understandable first.

    if co2 is dessolved in water the algae will benifit, but the dessolved co2 will kill the animals (fishes etc.) and bacteria surviving on oxygen.

  3. C02 is not combustible.better to make a hydrogen burning engine to use as fuel.It produces water as exhaust vapor.

  4. It won't burn but if water and CO2 is used in a properly built well engineered solar cell the energy of the sun will transform the CO2 and H2O into sugar and oxygen. The sugar can be used to make fuel and this is a very good use of natural resources. So you got the right idea it just needs a little more work. As for using biomass for fuel its being done now and again you are right in thinking the use of plankton for fuel would be a good thing to do.

  5. You cannot burn carbon dioxide.

  6. Carbon dioxide is a product of fire, it can't be burnt.

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