
What would happen if we can use water as fuel?

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What would happen if we can use water as fuel?




  1. We couldn't. If you mean by getting the hydrogen out of water for energy, it is not a viable solution. Although it is widely available and completely eco-friendly, the problem is getting the hydrogen from water, which requires electricity. A car couldnt produce that electricty to separate the hydrogen and oxygen, because that would be perpetual motion, which is impossible. They would need a large plant/factory of some sort (run by electricity) to supply large amounts of hydrogen. That would need large amounts of electricity and we are not quite green yet when it comes to producing electricity.

  2. Nothing, it can't happen, period.  Water is not a fuel, never will be a fuel, and anyone who tells you otherwise is ignorant or trying to scam someone.

    If you mean converting water to hydrogen for fuel use, this process is very inefficient and is easily out-performed by even our lowest quality battery technolgy.

  3. Honestly, YES it does work. I have done this to my 96 Saturn and currently get about 50 miles per gallon.

    I wrote a blog review about it here:

    It's very simple. You don't change your engine or computer. A quart-size (95O cc) container is placed somewhere under the hood. You fill it with DISTILLED WATER and a little bit of BAKING SODA. The device gets vacuum and electricity (12 Volts) from the engine, and produces HHO gas (Hydrogen+Oxygen). The HHO gas is supplied to the engine's intake manifold or carburetor as shown below.

    Hope this helps.


  4. Pollution will go down as the byproduct of the combustion is water.

    If there is way to separate oxygen and hydrogen by using less energy than the separation process itself dependence on power using none renewable energy  will be almost zero.

    And.... Oil companies will close.

  5. in the hypothetic case we could do that, probably at first cars would go slower and accellerate less rapidly, but it 'd a enormous leap for mankind.

  6. the water companies would become the new tycoons:

    drinking water prices will soar the same way food prices are responding to ethenol production:

    takes such as Arrowhead, castaic and the great salt lake would become dry the way we consume resources here in the US

  7. The world would end.  But seriously, have you ever tried to set fire to water?  It takes more energy to convert it to HHO than you get out of the conversion.

  8. An all-out assualt would begin on controlling every supply of water,by the companies used to extorting high monetary profits, from the masses. The current FISA bill will alow just that. Your private 'spring' is subject to executive government take-over, with no judicial re-proach on your part. The FISA bill will strip you of all your judicial rights. STOP THIS ASSAULT NOW!  Evil Bush has most of congress 'Zombied' and ignorant of his current progress ;in his plan of destruction;of all. We must rise to stop any further gains,on his part.

  9. The oil companies hired hitmen would kill that inventor before he had the chance to make it public.

  10. I am 77 and have heard this all my life...

  11. Millions around the world might well die from dehydration because they can't afford drinking water.  I'm sure the water companies would take all the "good" water and use it for fuel, leaving the rest of us to see what we can still find to drink.

    At this point, the government will step in and take control over water so that the citizens at least have something to drink.  With this amazing power over life and death, the entire world becomes a set of non-benevolent dictatorships.  Yippee!

    Thank goodness we can't run our cars on water as easily as some would like us to believe?

  12. the price of water would go to 4 bucks a gallon

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