
What would happen if we cooled the earth manually with water?

by Guest66971  |  earlier

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What would happen if we cooled the earth manually with water?




  1. When a person gets cooled off by water, the water evaporates.  It cools you down because the energy is getting transfered into the atmosphere.  The problem with the Earth is that it's a contained system, so the energy must go somewhere.  It more water vapor was in the atmosphere that would also be bad because it's the #1 greenhouse gas.  So it would actually make things worse.

  2. As the other answers said, the problem with that plan is that earth is a closed system so the heat wouldnt go anywhere. But, maybe, we could somehow transport large amount of water into space, and release it, where it would almost instantly get really really cold, close to absolute zero, then somehow we could gather it back and drop it in the oceans to cool them down.

  3. The earth is a closed system.  Unless you are getting rid of the heated water into space somehow the energy stays in the system, and the earth will not be cooled.

  4. <<The earth is a closed system.>>

    The arrival of cosmic rays and sunlight are enough to indicate the Earth isn't a closed system.  Nevertheless, in this case, where off Earth is this cooling water supposed to come from?

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