
What would happen if we put two turtles that have never seen each other before? They are RES turtles.?

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We've got one and one of my sister's freinds has one too.




  1. as long as the tank is BIG enough for should be at least 40 plus gallons otherwise they will fight to the death  for space and food.

    If you have enough room they will sun bathe stacked on top each other..(email me for pic's)  there is plenty of room for all but they love to see who can be at the top! Too cute.

    The males have long front nails too mate with and the females have short nails, go figure that one! They have to be over 5 yrs old to mate and lay eggs in may and june and hatch in within 90 days..

    Last night someone on here wrote she could se the bones and meat and he was falling apart..well they do not fall apart..she ended up stating she had 3 in a tank..the tank was way to small. So sad..

    Sliders, Cooters , painted ,map and yellow bellied are require the same care and feeding..

    I have had two Sliders for 36 yrs now plus a 8 yr old and a 5 yr old..

    I have had them in a 150gal pond for about 6 yrs now..

    **Contact the “, for a turtle vet in your city and state.

  2. Give it a try. Red Ear Sliders can't do much harm to one another, can they? We have one and a Cooter, they get along. We got them as babies. Don't get yours mixed up!  : )

  3. Well, first - you need to make sure the tank is large enough for two turtles.  The one which lives in it already might feel cramped, and pester the 'invader.'  

    Second, it depends on size.  I wouldn't put a very small turtle with a large one.  An adult turtle will sometimes make a meal of a hatchling.

    Third, have both turtles been checked by a qualified reptile vet for disease and parasites?  Putting them together could make one or both ill.

    But, if your turtles are healthy, and of like size, and the tank is large enough - it shouldn't be a problem.  Turtles are social animals in the wild, and can be seen gathered in numbers to share a limb for sunbasking.

    I hope this has been helpful.

  4. they will fight if there is not enough of everything, you need this setup....Are you sure you have everything? First read all of this and see if you can create this setup, it costs at least $250, and is a regular setup. All the stuff is expensive!- but it is soooooooooooooooooo worth it, i love my turtle! You have to be very responsible to own a pet turtle, because they are a huge responsibility. You have to be a loving, caring person who is willing to care for a turtle every single day! Really it is a big job for some people, but if you are willing to accept the challenge then go for it.

    ************ This is a setup for a red eared slider the most common type of turtle, they get up to 12 inches, but you will see them as babies at a store commonly, so know that they will grow very big**************

    You will need to get a 50 gallon starter tank and upgrade to a 75 gallon later on when your turtle is over 6 inches...If you can not get that big of a tank right now then for now you can use a huge rubbermaid container filled up with clean warm water 5/6 of the way. The water should be 75-82F, that can be achieved by buying a water heater at the petstore, along with a water filter. Water filters that are best are canister filters, like the Rena xp3 filter which costs $200, but filters very well. Do buy a filter please, even a cheap one at $25, is better then none at all, since turtles are extremely messy and p**p-ful (haha). The bottom of the tank should be bare, no gravel because they could choke on that mistaking it for food. On top of the water you need 3 things, 1. a basking dock ( buy a large size zoomed basking dock). 2. you 100% need to buy a basking lamp+bulb, you buy them separatly, then s***w the bulb in ( 50 watts) and shine it on the basking dock over a mesh hood( cut a hole out of it and place the light there!). 3. This is very important, you need a uvb light. It is a long thin light, you need to get the actual lamp+ the long skinny bulb. Reptosun 5.0 is the best bulb( together costs $55). Shine that onto the basking dock as well. Turtles need these together because they use the uva for heat, so they stay warm ( the basking site should be 90-95F, not colder) and they need the uvb rays to metabolize calcium and vitamin d3 for a stronger shell ( like you need it for your bones!) The diet for the turtle should be reptomin pellets ( and other nutricuos pellets!) crickets, mealworms, bloodworms, shrimp, and krill. All of this is found dead at the petstore!;) They also need vegetation, get kale, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, and collard greens. Drop all of the food in the tank once a day, and remove any leftover bits after a few hours. By the way ALL of the protien food ( dead food, that was alive once) should be dusted with a calcium supplement ( powder) and you need to get a cuttlebone found in the bird aisle of the petstore and drop it in the water for him to knaw on, keep it there for a while (month) until he eats all of it, then get another. Once all of these things are done your turtle will be pretty happy!

  5. If they are both boys, they might fight. If one is a boy, it will try to chase the girl around. As long as you have a big enough tank, food, sunlight (or heating lamp), enough basking space for 2, and keep the tank clean, they will be fine.

    Unless one of them already has a disease, then they will both be sick. I kept 2 turtles in the same tank and was sick and they both died.  We got them from one of those street vendors and breeding conditions arnt optimum where they get those and then sell them.

    If they are over a few years old though, you shouldnt really have to worry about disease. Its mainly the hatchlings that get sick.

  6. i have 2 turtles 1 baby 1 adult outside in a 50 gallon pond they were placed together at different times if 1s a male and 1s a female it should be fine if there different types of turtles they might totaly ignore each other if its a water or land turtle mine are both red ear sliders

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