
What would happen if we remove our troops from Iraq?

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What would happen if we remove our troops from Iraq?




  1. maybe the Iraqi government would look after itself and figure out what they could spend the 94 billion surplus that they have INSTEAD of my tax dollar paying for their ****  

  2. terrorists from iran would prolly invade en-mass, and about 3 years later, you will hear on the news "radical muslim faction takes over iraq" w/o the support of the usa, iraq in its weakened state cant stand for long

  3. In the end, that is exactly what we will do.

  4. I think that if we removed our troops prematurely, it would be disastrous.  Every day, the Iraqis are getting stronger and more able to be self-sufficient in their security needs.  

  5. They will be coming back very soon.  The details are being worked out.

  6. Iran would immediately use surrogates to undermine the Iraqi government, and the country would simply tear itself apart.

  7. Someone would take command of the Iraqi government and we would most likely have another Saddam. However, this would happen eventually anyway. The question is. How many more troop are going to die before someone in the government figures this out?

  8. all h**l would break loose in the middle east

  9. as the 1st person said h**l would break loose. all the soldiers that died to protect their country and help make other people's lives better in the middle east would have done it for nothing since it wouldn't be solved as they hoped.

  10. Nothing.  Even Maliki wants to know when the h**l we are going to get our troops out.  All of them.  He wouldn't be saying that if they didn't think they had it under control.

  11. People there will be free ........... and will live their lives as they want without any killin' or .......

    So let them feel the freedom !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. We would need to pray that Iraq can remain a stable country. While I understand the Iraqi government's deseire to have US and Allied troops out of their country, we also need to understand that it isn't the government who fights the's the soldiers. And no government can negotiate with a just doesn't work that way. So let's hope that Iraq has a stable fighting force to protect it's citizens.

  13. Al Quida most likely will gain control due to the Iraqi and Afghanistan, whose countries both lack a strong government.

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