
What would happen if we went to war with Iran? Would gas really triple in price?

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what would 13 dollar a gallon gas do to our economy?




  1. Triple? not quite but it would definitely sky rocket to probably close to 7-8 bucks a gallon. They would cut off their oil supply for as long as they could in hopes of breaking us b/c the shortage in supply would drive up the prices to all-time highs

  2. umm...

    "Middle east" only makes out 1/5 of the oil production... So, Iran is only one country in the middle east, and makes around 1/8 to 1/10 of the of that 1/5 of oil production... So what do you think?

    Anyways, i doubt you should worry about gas prices, if anything you should worry about the economy and the American currency....

  3. Iran has mostly defensive weapons.  They have no capability or intention of attacking us, but they are ready to repel an attack, which they have expected since their revolution.  (When the Shah was deposed in 1979 the Iranians expected to be invaded by US troops right away, which is why they took the hostages then).

    Among their defensive weapons are Russian 'Sunburn' missiles.  These are cruise missiles that can be deployed against ships in the gulf.  They have never been tested in an actual war, though a very similar type of missile, the Exocet, made in France, was used by Argentina in the  Falklands War.  Argentina had five of these missiles which cost about $1 million apiece, and were able to sink two large British ships worth billions, not to mention considerable loss of life.  These missile are supersonic and it's questionable whether we could even shoot them down.  

    In a worst-case scenario, Iran could sink an American aircraft carrier.  But even in much more moderate scenario, they could sink a few tankers in the Straits of Hormuz.  This would have the effect of sealing the Straits, and closing off the entire supply of Middle East oil to the whole world.  Now you think $4/gallon is expensive?  Whoooey!  Just think about 1/2 of the world's oil supply suddenly being shut down.

    I don't know if this idea is even believable, but I've read this in several places, US and overseas.  Just Google 'sunburn missiles' and read about it for yourself.

    I really think this is the reason Bush hasn't bombed Iran already.  Instead he sent an envoy to negotiate with Iran, which he should have been doing all along, since he promised war would only be a last resort.  But for years now he has sworn he would never negotiate with 'terrorists'.

    The fact is, we can't stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons if they really want to.  We saw nuclear proliferation all over the world--the USSR, China, North Korea, even France!  They all want nukes to protect themselves, even though they know they can't use them, because they know that whoever uses nukes first loses big-time.  Even that crazy guy in North Korea understands that.

  4. The same "experts" that are saying this also said we would see $5.00 per gallon by September. Gas is $3.55 per gallon in my town. Every time some one has something depressing to report, their is a microphone in their face, but when they are wrong, no one ever goes back and asks them why they were so far off.  

  5. 200 dollar a barrel and gas around 8 bucks.  This would hurt our economy, but probably result in switching off foreign oil.  Israelis need to set of an EMP weapon above Iran and knock out all their electronics and problem solved.  Nobel prize please!

  6. We would embargo them/they would stop selling oil to the US, which means would be forced to look elsewhere.

    13/gal would basically cripple our economy and force alternative fueling.

  7. Will serve you well to do that.

    Imagine all the injustice you will do to the Iranis. Get rid of this bloody paranoia. Nobody wants to hurt you, if you leave them unprovoked. Reactions happen to actions. Leave them in peace, they have their own problems to worry about.

    It really doesn't do the Iranis any good to obliterate a population that can't even place Iran on the map properly. They can think of  better uses for their money.

    Have the maturity and logical reasoning to see through the "war on terror" bluff. It diverts you from real issues at home, while killing thousands of people elsewhere.

  8. If i was American i wouldn't welcome the idea of " war with Iran" AT ALL. The least the Islamic Republic is capable of is disrupting trade and passage in the Persian Gulf which translates: fewer oil tankers can get through the strait of Hormuz ( 40% of world's oil consumption is shipped through this strait ) which very simply means: the price of anything related to oil will sky rocket, at least for some time ( but no-one could really tell how long this can be)

    Wars are Wars, all they mean is more money wasted, more hatred between nations, destruction and life loss. I HATE WAR

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