
What would happen if wrestling became really real?

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What would happen if wrestling became really real?




  1. Well if it is real the matches would last for hours and the wrestling fans would lose interest in it as it would be boring.

    It would not be like UFC as in real wrestling you can't punch or kick.

    More injuries would happen.

    There wouldn't be the 4-sided ring but simply a wrestling mat.

  2. Wrestling is real like ufc

    Pro wrestling is the scripted one.

    Not much since it gonna be like ufc and mma.People can't see live people falling on ladders,jumping 50 feet or being hit by barbed wire

  3. really happy the population would decrease.

  4. nwt

  5. One match could last longer than wrestlemania.

  6. actually in japan there is a wrestling event that is real. Frank Shamrock vs Bas Rutten King watch below

  7. if it's real,the match would have been long.............

    If real,john cena would have been beaten up so badly until he can't get up to his feet.

  8. if it becomes really really really real then i will start watching it buddy.....

  9. Nothing


  10. the wrestling is real the scripts are not,  

  11. All the boring people that can wrestle will get all the TV time and no entertaining storylines would ever happen again.

    I'd quit watching it most likely.

  12. Nothin Much

  13. The number of people who became mad will reduce  

  14. Fight Hard..Die Hard!

  15. Wrestling is much dangerous than MMA and it is real and scripted but if u r asking about the real ring with real chairshots  than It ll be an awsome idea but it is somehow impossible cause if this happens than

    1.Many vetrans like Undertaker,Sting,HHH,HBK,Meatista/batist... he is 40 yr old) have to take retirement cause a real wrestling fight will break their bodies so badly that may shorten their lifespan.

    2.U ll have to wait for atleast 2 months to see u r fav wrestler in action

    3.Injuries increases cause it is far dangerous than MMA(Think about real punches,kicks and a power bomb)

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