
What would happen if you are under age drinking while driving in you get pulled over by the police

by  |  earlier

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  1. Then you receive an Underage Alcohol Violation, get your car towed, your parents get notified, then you lose your license until you are 21, among other court determined consequences.

  2. Lets see I supervise a female on probation that has 2 charges of under age possession and does not have a DWI and she is on probation 5 years. You might consider entering inpatient treatment before going to court to show the Judge you are really working on BIG issues.

  3. The first offense is a DUI/ driving under the influence of alcohol.  The second consequence is losing your driving privileges until you are 21.  Probation, fines, alcohol classes, criminal convictions.... Just a bad idea.

  4. Go directly to jail or juvenile dention center.

  5. you probily will get a dui and get ur licens taken awhy and go to jail 4 under age drenking

  6. Most first offence you lose your license for a while and get a hefty fine.  Second time lose your license even longer, pay even more and possibly face jail time.  Third, all the above worse and jail time.  Of course its always up to the Judge in the end.

  7. Being underage, you will probably lose your license until age 21.

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