
What would happen if you breed 2 different animals?

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ex- a dog and a cat???

(and don't say "nothing"because that's no help.)

-would the female's body recognize the male's cells and do the regular traveling routine?

-would the the female's immune system attack the cells as being a potentially hazardous life form?

-would the female go through a pseudo pregnancy or some phase similar?

just wondering...




  1. The male and female have to be of the same species. In the case of a cat and dog the female's immune system would probably attack the the cells. This is even seen to some extent within the human species. When women are pregnant with boys their immune system can see the baby as an invader. This is why women are more likely to feel fatigued and have harder pregnancies when the fetus is male.

  2. maybe you should try it out

  3. For fertilization to occur, a number of chemical reactions must occur between the sperm and egg.  First of all, the acrosome (on the end of the sperm) releases a bunch of enzymes that help to dissolve through the huge jelly coat on the outside of the egg.  But, assuming that the dog's sperm manages to get that far, it still has to fuse with the egg membrane.  There are receptors on the egg's membrane that must recognize and match with the sperm's before fustion can occur.  If the receptors don't match, then no fusion and then no fertilization.

    So, it's this chemical barrier at the cell membrane that will prevent fertilization.

  4. There are two main things that keep genetically different species from interbreeding !

    Pre-zygotic Barriers

    Post-zygotic Barriers

    A zygote is a fertilized egg!

    so A pre-zygotic barrier would be something that would prevent a sperm and egg from FUSING! (Mechanical isolation)

    -this could be as simple as the different anatomy of the two species simply doesn't allow sexual intercourse eg. mouse and elephant

    -or different courtship rituals (behavioral isolation)

    -or different mating period times eg. seasonal (temporal isolation)

    -or it could be that the sperm is simply unable to enter the egg to fertalize it (do to differnces in the outer layers of the sperm and egg etc..)

    Post-zygotic barriers : this is like if the sperm and egg actually fuse and form a zygote

    -but the zygote will most likely not be able to survive do to maternal abortion,weakness or ill formed zygote (hybrid inviability)

    (or) the zygote will not be able to reproduce (it will be sterile) or have (HYBRID BREAKDOWN) which is where the SECOND gernerations are infertile

  5. You would be making a mistake, why would you want to mix 2 different breeds

  6. You get no help, because NOTHING is what will happen 99.99999999999999999% of the time. Then there are mules.

  7. well, when a zebra and a cow mated then you get a zeboo (or summit crazy like dat) (which by the way, mcdonalds use instead of beef!! :D) so it does happen, you'de gust get a mixture of two animals, nothing special. :)

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