
What would happen if you burp, cough, sneeze and hiccup at the same time?

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What would happen if you burp, cough, sneeze and hiccup at the same time?




  1. You would melt like the wicked witch of the east

  2. I think you might puke.

  3. Oh my! That would be quite uncomfortable don't cha think?? D=

  4. You would explode and make a big mess where you were at.

  5. That's impossible, but if it were that would be a horrible experience.

  6. You'd blow up real good. :)

    That's incossicle! (Say "impossible" like a ventriloquist.)

    You're just silly!  LOL  Here's a star for actually making me LOL!  :)

  7. Probablty pee your pants.....

  8. Your body would probably hurt pretty bad. Ive coughed and hicupped at the same time LOL don't try it at home

  9. i burped coughed and hiccuped at the same time. it felt really weird but it was also funny  

  10. you grow a p***s on your forehead

    is that even possible? the hiccup and the burp or cough would just colide...

  11. i've burped, sneezed, and hiccuped at teh same time.

    my head hurt


    but i laughed


  12. its not humanly possible because a sneeze is 100 mph beleive it or not and a cough can travel up to 300 mph and a hiccup can very just like a burp

  13. it must hurt

    one time i coughed sneezed and farted at the same time

    i was opening my mouth to sneeze then i cough (i hate the feeling when your about to sneeze and you dont) then i farted hahaha

    it kinda hurt my throat from the cough  

  14. you would die

  15. like to see that its impossible but if you did you might cough your insides out too...

  16. L. Hurley was close. It causes spontaneous combustion. It's become a fact recently that, that was the unknown cause of it. So basically you just engulp in flames out of nowhere..  

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