
What would happen if you cooled the sun to absolute zero.?

by Guest62941  |  earlier

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what would happen to the sun




  1. We would die, but the same thing would happen if you got anything to absolute zero.  You would be the recipient of a Nobel prize for about 8min.  From a quantum physics point of view, the matter of the sun would not radiate any light at any wavelengths and would occupy no volume.

  2. It would be frozen to the point where no matter of any kind could move.

    that's pretty much the definition of absolute zero.  The absolute and complete non-movement of any matter down to the subatomic level.

  3. Nothing can get that cold

  4. my nobel prize would freeze over

  5. every thing would die.

  6. The sun wouldn't exist  

    Don't believe me

    ;-) think harder

  7. the sun is composed entirely of gas so it would become a solid, and it would reduce in size, and warmth. Thus all the planets would adjust in gravitational orbit to Jupiter. Most likely we would all die from lack of light and heat.

  8. uhm we would freeze plants would die animals would die and everything would die killing every single person you knew???

  9. the sun would fall into itself.

  10. We would die. It would be cold,

    Plants would die because of no sun, we would die from the cold, and no food, and everything would jsut die

  11. Death.

  12. Everything freezes, ice age, and every living thing on planet earth would die. Aswell on other planets that we might not know of...

  13. Everything would freeze up and all life would die!

  14. Death within 8 minutes give or take a few seconds.

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