
What would happen if you emigrated with loans?

by Guest45064  |  earlier

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if you emmigrated to another country i.e. canada and you had loans with leading uk lenders, what would happen if you closed your bank accounts and just moved, woudl the debt catch up with you? Just curious not planning, before i get any lectures????




  1. You would most likely get a credit worthiness check before you were granted a visa or permission to enter another country.   You Q answered.

  2. Ask bank of America. They give loans to illegal aliens who then go back to Mexico! They make up for it with high fees to transfer money from the US (allegedly including drug monies) to Mexico! Good business I hear!

  3. Yes, I certainly would hope so, or everyone would be trying to do exactly that.  They'll get you in the end.

  4. You wont get in trouble in your new country, you would have a clean credit history, but make sure you have no plan in returning to your native country. They will get you one way or the other trust me.

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