
What would happen if you express yourself?

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does it means more expression lines on your face or express to old age.




  1. depend on what kind of expression that you want to do if you want to express yourself because you look good or doing good things than you'll be happier if you want to express yourself for doing bad things like burning candle on both ends then yes express to old age or worse.

  2. to express yourself is not to worry about what others think about you and it feels great because you can be yourself like I'm saying that I'm destiny of life( 2 ^[]^2 ) and we love our wings.

  3. im sorry but i dont get ur question and....what the celestial stars and angels and why is there more people with that sign and what does it meen??lol

  4. I think some lines do appear but it is smile lines mostly for me.I have som exacting line between my eyes. Mine are from thinking and needing glasses. I think they are s**y on others. I express myself in everything I do from what I wear to what I say ,think, give and on and on. God is helping me with my expressions.

  5. I don't have problem expressing my self I don't care what other people think of me because I know that inside I got wings I'm dreamland goddess 3^[]^3 angel baby's wings family to answer Randal J we are angel spirits our power got jammed and trapped we are on the border of heaven and earth waiting for angel baby to unleash our powers we were cursed by a jealous power of one of our sister that came to earth and learned to practice witch's power because she is blood so her power is also strong and difficult for us to remove her spell only wing man can unleash our power to save the world.

  6. This is true, it leads one to think about the old saying. Go ahead and make that face your face will freeze some day and be stuck that way.

    People that frown many years get frown lines and look like they have a frown even if happy at times. People that smile get smile lines and always look like they are smiling even if they are sad at times. People that smoke get these lines that look like old smooshed up lips these form in a circle around the lips.

    yes this is an interesting subject, much like the face builds a memory over time that this is the way it should stay.

  7. I've just crossed my legs because I'm 4^[]^4.

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