
What would happen if you failed a drug test for an intake probation officer??

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What would happen if you failed a drug test for an intake probation officer??




  1. Your probation can only be revoked if you use illegal drugs AFTER you are placed on probation.  As marijuana stays in your system for a long time, it is possible that you smoked it before you were placed on probation but will still show up on the drug test.  Now, a positive for drugs may indicate that you need some drug counseling or outpatient/inpatient services.  I predict that you will be fine as long as you don't continue to use drugs

  2. the first time they probably will just threaten you and make you check in more often if they don't think you're really a bad person, and the 2nd time you'll go back to juvi/jail

  3. You will be in trouble! Guaranteed.

    Check out my questions.;...  

  4. Not sure, but it sounds like you may be finding out!! I feel for you!

    Good luck

  5. It depends on your case. It depends on the probation officer's disposition towards you. It might be consequential, it might not be.

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