
What would happen if you fed your baby soooner than 2 hours?

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my son is 11 weeks and formula fed, he usually eats 4 oz every 2-3 hours but occasionally he gets hungry sooner so i feed him about 15 min earlier than the 2 hour mark. is this okay? what is the reason they tell you to wait 2 hours? iv tried to up his oz amount but he does not take it.




  1. It is your baby so you can feed him whenever you want to.

  2. hed eat! too bad youre not breast feeding a breast fed baby poops much easier... benefits its immune system, has less ear infections... helps the mother recover faster... is the way God planned it... you can fed your baby during the night without having to go to the kitchen and microwave (God forbid) the chemical formula... you feed a breast fed baby when they are hungry... if theyre crying you check their diaper you may have to burp the baby... it also seems like you need to talk to a woman who has had several children and does what should come naturally... relax and enjoy your precious baby... dont be so rigid by listening to all the book learned c**p medical authorities try to fed you... God made your baby and so you need to listen to your heart...You know I dont mean to knock you or frighten you and you do seem to be a bit frightened ... i know you want what is best for your little one... you can still obtain breast milk for your baby... it is superior to any other substitute... get on the internet and search it out.

  3. Nothing will happen ...except that he'll be fed sooner.  Many pediatricians will tell you to feed your baby every 2 to 3 hours to assist in getting them on a feeding schedule (which is helpful) but sometimes everyone gets hungry before their scheduled feeding time.

  4. New Born's are tiny as their stomachs are. They say humans have a stomach the size of their fists.  Think about it?  His fist is tiny and his tummy too. He wont take the extra formula because that's all he has room for at the time.  Then he gets rid of the formula and wants more.  He simply is growing.  Maybe you could speak to your pediatrician and ask if he needs a more satisfying formula.  After having four children I believe that is what they do. GL and GB and hope you enjoy your baby.

  5. You feed them when they are hungry that is just fine.  Some babies just can't handle more at a feeding and they need to just eat more frequently in smaller amounts.  I know my boys would vomit it back up if I tried to give them more to extend the time between feedings.  

  6. I always believed in feeding a baby when he is hungry.  I, however, do not believe in force feeding a baby, so you can give him the "required" amount for that feeding.  Sometimes your baby will act starved 15 mins after a bottle, and sometimes will act full for 4-5 hours.  Listen to your baby's cues, and dont dwell so much on the textbook stuff.  What is important is that you feed your baby when he is hungry, and do not force feed him when he is not.  Its that simple.  Good luck!!!

  7. Babies don't realize they're full sometimes, so you need to be careful how much you give.  However, 4oz for an almost 3 month old is fine.  And if he really is that hungry feeding him a few mins early won't hurt.  Just be careful and watch for signs that he's full - playing with the nipple, turning his head away, slowing down, etc.  You don't want him to puke - that's no fun for you or him.  But seriously, don't worry about the time, feed on demand unless he starts puking, then hold him back a bit.  

  8. 4 oz does not sound enough for a baby of this age. No wonder he is demanding 2 hrly. Why not try offering him more at each feed and see if he will take more. There is another growth spurt at around 3 mth of age, perhaps this is the reason.  

  9. your baby is going through a growth spurt! when my son was weeks old like yours was, he literaly was eating every 1hr 45 min! even the night! then he moved to 2 hours.... he had a lot of growing to do and he is 5 months now and doing fine he is formula fed too. if your son is crying to be fed then feed him you are doing nothing wrong. he must need those calories right now, but it will get better trust me! (ps he also was eating bout 4oz-4.5oz, if he wont take anymore then thats what he needs, my son only takes 5oz but every 3-4 hours now...dont let people tell you too stuff more formula down him, he knows what his tummy is telling him)

  10. feed him when ever he is hungry, he wont eat if he's not hungry.  

    EDIT: domestic goddess maybe you should try reading the question she did up the onces but he wont take it

  11. nothing, if your baby is hungry feed him, my son was always hungry we called him the mad grazer when he was little. He ate every 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours, then at night he would go 4 hours and have to eat or it was the end of the world. LoL, oh I wish he was little again, now its seems to be a fight just to get a hug from him before he goes to bed.

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