
What would happen if you poured water into an electric socket?

by Guest63385  |  earlier

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Would you blow the plug or the whole house? Would you be electrocuted as the water travelled up the water into your body as it poured? Any ideas?




  1. You wouldn't be electrocuted, unless you were stood barefoot in a puddle. Pure water is a very poor conductor of electricity, and anyway it would be appropriate to assume that you pour from a jug of some sort, so would not be in contact with your hand?.

    Nor would I rely on the fuse blowing promptly under this scenario. Something like urine however would be much more likely to both (a) blow the fiuse and (b) allow the voltage to travel back up to your body...

  2. What kind of stuff are you smoking?  Pouring down to go sideways is difficult.  Instead of pouring into an electric socket, try pouring it first, sideways into the wall, then up at the ceiling.  Now do this without getting any of the water on the floor.

  3. you would now rest in peace

  4. you would blow the fuses.

  5. Scientifically its a little hard to explain to a lay person, its like this....., well, actually what I mean to say ...its like this big ball of wax and what you do with it carve off one side and weigh it, then, take water and spray into cyclinder made out of wood and plastic, freeze it, and wallah there you are a crispy critter.

    Hope that helps., well maybe it will, but not sure.

  6. It would depend on the wiring.

    If it's to current standards the RCD ( would trip.

    If no RCD is in the system you would almost certainly receive an electric shock - possibly fatal - unless you were extremely well insulated from the water.

  7. Why do you want to know this do you have intention of trying it or what.

    I would presume you would hear an almighty BANG see lots of smoke, then you might just hear the police or and fire-brigade siren coming to your house then being taken into custody by the police, for causing damage and risking the lives of others AT LEAST.

    Let us know if you try it though it will be interesting to hear the result.

  8. my sausage got burnt!!! ooooo

  9. BANG!

  10. You'd probably get electrocuted.... but just a little before the breaker/fuse blows.

  11. depends. lol.

    if u are standin on wood u wont get electrocuted i fink? yh the plugs will blow up and fizzle. y dnt u try it!

  12. it could make for a very bad day

  13. If your house is equipped with MCBs in the consumer unit then the one for that ring main would trip out. You may also get a shock.

    If the house still has fuses then you would get a big bang and probably blow the socket apart before the fuse blew. You may get a fire. You would also get a potentially fatal electric shock as the current passed back up the water stream.

    In either case you would be stuck with a probable re-wire job because of unseen damage to the wiring further around the ring-main due to overheating because of the current surge. This would be very expensive.

    If there was any fire then your insurance company may refuse to pay out because they would argue (reasonably) that the damage was not just "accidental" and that there was a considerable contribution by someones stupidity (they would call it "contributory negligence").

  14. I strongly suggest you do not try this out,It is very dangerous.

  15. Possibly all 3 depending on how the house was fused/earthed.Hope you don't play with matches as well.

  16. bad things...

  17. You would die,

  18. It gets wet.  Nothing else.

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