
What would happen if you put a 'dry clean' item in your washing machine?

by  |  earlier

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just out of interest. bad grammar i know.




  1. I do it but taking care to use the "delicate" cycle of the washing machine, a detergent for delicate items, and then, I put it to dry on a hanger, NO dryer!! Another method is using a product called "Dryel", it comes with a liquid to treat stains, a deodorizing cloth and a bag inside which you put your "dry cleaning" items with a  then inside the dryer and they come out like from the cleaners.

  2. It'll probably shrink.

    I put my fiance's tie in the washing machine on the usual setting and it shrunk and the dye ran - he wasn't too happy.

    If it's an expensive garment, just pay to have it dry cleaned, if it is something cheap (and you are willing to risk it) put it in the washer on a low setting.

  3. Most likely it would shrink, stretch or the dye would run. Any of these are reasons for Dry Clean Only instructions. If you can hand wash, then either shrinkage or stretching is more likely.

  4. i put my wedding dress in the washing machine and it came out lovely.

    as long as you put it on a low setting i'm sure you will be fine.......but if it's an expensive garment and your not sure then get it dry cleaned xx

  5. it would become wet clean..clean but outa shape...actually there are tons of so called dry clean garments that are fine when washed in the machine..its sometimes a manufacuteres clause to cover themselves from claims against them if the garment gets wrecked in the machine..i wash most of mt dry clean clothes in the machine..not delicate wool,viscose or silk though..but everything else.

  6. It depends on the fabric.  I have washed rayon in cold water on gentle cycle and line dried and it comes out fine.  You wouldn't want to do that with a wool skirt though.

  7. I do it a lot but i put it on low heat. I don't wanna pay a load of money for something i could do myself. It always works for me although I wouldn't advice it with all dry clean items.

  8. A lot of manufacturer's will put a "dry clean only " label in a garment to protect themselves, because with the exception of man-made-fibres and cotton material, most fabrics do not suffer water or heat gladly. They will , if subjected to either, loose  shape by shrinking or stretching. The colours may run or the `body` of the material will go from the fabric and it will become limp and shapeless.

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