
What would happen if you put a humidifier and a dehumidifier in the same room while their on?

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What would happen if you put a humidifier and a dehumidifier in the same room while their on?




  1. The room would go into humidity flux.

  2. This is an old Steven Wright joke...."Did you ever wonder what would happen if you put a humidifier and a dehumidifier in the same room and just let 'em fight it out?"

    Another one was, "What would happen if you were driving your car at the speed of light and suddenly, you turned on your headlights?"

  3. Don't do it.

    The planet would begin to rotate in the opposite direction and your eyes will start to bleed.

  4. lots of water would drain out the dehumidifier and the humidifier would't ever reach it's set point

  5. An old Steven Wright joke...

    He also told a story about flicking a light switch which apparently did nothing, on and off a lot...4 months later got a note from someone in Sweden saying..."Cut it out."

  6. They'd just fight with each other.

    Then you have to remove the water from the dehumidifier.

    But don't worry;-} it'll probably be time to fill the humidifier.

  7. nothing

  8. It depends on the set point, and the humidifier/dehumidifier you are using.

    Humidifier at 40% and dehumidifier set at 50%, would be fine , you could maintain 45 % humidity.

  9. this a trick question?  Have you already actually done this?  Personally I would use a swamp cooler but that's just me.  I would think you would have a perfectly balanced environment, not too humid not too dry, just add a bottle of wine and I'm on my way over!

  10. It would be worst than if one put matter and anti-matter in the same place. Total annihilation. and the end of the universe as we know it!  So by all means. . . . DO IT!

  11. Your electric bill would go up with no increase in room comfort.

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