
What would happen if you put the transmission on reverse when you are driving over 50 MPH? Who has tried that?

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What would happen if you put the transmission on reverse when you are driving over 50 MPH? Who has tried that?




  1. it puts more strain on the engine and transmission, and may cause the torque converter to heat up and possibly fail.

  2. The wheels will skid when they reverse.  Other than that, no harm.  I would caution that repeated reversing ar 50 mpg will eventually burn up the trans.

  3. I done this with a 59 chevy once and it made a funny noise but did no damage there must be some sort of safety feature there. I would not advise doing it out of curoisity unless you go to a junkyard and try it on some junker for giggles

  4. It won't go in just make a lot of noise although a friend of mine had an old plymouth satelite and at anywheres between 1-5 mph it would shift into reverse by itself every once in awhile and would not go back into drive until one of us climbed underneath and beat on the linkage

  5. Basically you'll never get it to go into reverse, however if you persist in trying you may do some serious damage to the transmission. On most of the newest trannys they have a lockout to prevent you from being an idiot.

  6. Did this once in a repo we just grabbed.  All that happens in the transmission makes an awful grinding noise and the car kinda lurches forward. Other than that not much.

  7. Not me, but if you do end up on reverse  and you hit the breaks you'll hit a car behind you and go backwards when you're trying to go forward.

  8. In the end the outcome is bad. I've never tried nor do I have the desire to find out. I value my cars too much, the lives of other around me and my life too.

  9. nothing at first but a lot of noise, then the car will slow down and continue making  grinding noises. If you do it, plan on dumping the car as a couple of tricks like that, and you'll be walking soon.

  10. My wife did that and the transmission look like it was pregnant.

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