
What would happen if you sent an author a petition to write more books with tons of signatures?

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If u send an author a petition to write more books will they?




  1. Writing a book is hard work. If an author doesn't want to write more, then they won't.

    Personally, if a bunch of obsessed fans sent me a petition demanding more books I'd be flattered, but also a little pissed that they were demanding so much of me.  

  2. What would happen would depend entirely on the author.

    As far as I'm aware there's only been one instance of this happening with a successful result: When Sir Arthur Conan Doyle killed Sherlock Holmes relatively early in his fictional career, the outpouring of reader mail protesting the death, and begging for more Holmes stories, persuaded Conan Doyle to not only write more stories, but to miraculously "rescue"  Holmes from the circumstances of his previous death. He did it reluctantly, because he had grown tired of the character. but eventually produced a majority of the stories and novels that fans still love today. But he never liked it, and it soured a good portion of his life.

    If an author had written a series of novels, and had finished the series, and had said so time and time again, had, in fact, told all they wanted to tell, finished the story that they wanted to tell, the chances of them resurrecting the characters and "adding" to the series are probably very thin.

    Authors have lives and interests apart from their writing. Writing a series of novels over a period of years robs the author of that much time to live their own lives. When they're done writing, they need to make up that time they've used, and deserve not to be forced to continue writing when the story they wanted to tell is over.

  3. Maybe, depends on why they stopped. Maybe they are out of ideas.

  4. If they want to write more books they will.  If they don't want to write more, they won't-regardless of a petition.  I would suggest not wasting your time trying to get signatures.  Instead, read some other books.  Who knows, maybe you will find an author that you like equally as much.

    Out of curiosity: who are you thinking about petitioning?

  5. Well, if you try it, let us know what happens.

  6. well they likely stopped writing books for a reason either they met there goals..are dry on ideas or it could be many other things   but i doubt they will  write more just because people  want them  towrite more  

  7. Send the petition to the publisher or the agent. The author writes books for a living.  Unless they are incapable for some reason of producing a manuscript, they will try to write. If the publisher sees that you are seriously interested, they might ask for more work from your author.  If you are trying to steer them into a certain type of book, like continuing a series they are sick of writing, you might want to just wait and see what they come out with next.  You might enjoy that as well.

  8. It would depend on the author and depend on the books.  A new writer might be more open to this, as they may still covet the thoughts and feelings of their audience.  But, it's worth a try!  Anything that will put more books on more bookshelves!!

  9. it's up to them: if they find such demand, they might give it a try. maybe they stopped for a different reason altogether so its all up to their decision. if your suggesting by some reason they have to write another book based on demand: not at all.

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