
What would happen if you took a sleeping pill and a pill that helps you stay awake at the same time?

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well one pill does one thing

and the other pill does the opposite

i'm just curious to know what would actually happen if somebody tried that




  1. I'll give you a clue. Now that you are in Alt Med OK?

    Go to a health food shop and get any or all natural medicines for making you sleep.  Then get some green tea and ginseng and gotu kola, anything that is going to help the mind to be alert and the body to be strong.

    Now use some discretion and try a few combinations.

    What you will find if you are careful  or under guidance of a natural therapist. is that within natural therapies this is a perfectly normal, though not extremely common, thing to do. And what's nasty side effect.

    In this way I hope that you will see how nice herbal medicine is and give up for life the thought of dangerously mixing allopathic drugs.

    Alternative medicine is a positive alternative.

    Many times when I've felt stressed  and sleepless but needing to be alert in the morning, I've made successful combinations like these.

    Try reading a herb book about effects. Play safe with natural medicines. But don't OD on them either. Follow guidance.

    Good luck

  2. I believe it totally depends on the drugs, and also very much on the person taking them, their exposure to drugs. it can range from they both neutralizing and frustrating each other to Death.

    I suggest you read this:

  3. well, considering one brings you up and one takes you down, it's just create such a desparity you'd feel like ****. one's trying to make everything in your head all chill and whatnot, whereas the other is trying to perk you up. when you've taken something to limit and pump up the creation of those cells that wake you up and make you sleep your brain is gonna freakout. so if you wanna feel nervous and S****y, do it. all that'll probably make you need a xanax or two.

  4. Considering that most sleeping medicine is very mild these days and non-prescription wake-up pills are just caffeine then you would probably just feel jittery or plain crappy.

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