
What would happen if you were able to drill a hole through the earth and then jumped down it.?

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I would put the hole through the axis, i.e. pole to pole. Also for the purposes of the experiment wind resistance would not apply. It would be in a vacuum. Niether would you touch the sides.

Would you go right through to the other side, carried on past the centre by the momentum, come out (feet first obviously) to a point equal to that at which you jumped in and then start the journey back again? If so would this go on forever? Or woild you get nearly to the other side,say afew feet shy, and then fall back again, each time falling slightly less far until eventualy settling in the centre? Or would you just fall to the centre and stay there.




  1. You'll die...

  2. see you in china i'll start digging now.

  3. Absent air resistance, Satan, magma, and other complications.

    You go into simple harmonic motion springing from one side of the world to the other forever.

  4. Yes in a vacuum that would happen.

    However in reality, air would be sucked into hole; the pressure increasing with depth so you would end up crushed very quickly into a very small ball at the centre of the Earth. You would be unlikely to make it much farther than the centre even on the first 'oscillation'. You would also be charred to a cinder due to the intense heat.

  5. no one nows phyics whise but you burn up like in h***

  6. you would fry as soon as you got near the centre - the heat is too intense for a human to survive

  7. This isn't possible to calculate. The laws of physics are immutable, you can't just remove them from the equation. It's a fact that we can't drill a***e through the Earth, and the wind resistance would occur, and you would probably touch the sides. There isn't an answer, unfortunately.

  8. you would fall to the center and go a bit further because of your momentum but at some point you would stay stuck in the core because that is where the gravitational pull starts from. on the way you would be burnt to a crisp. scientist think the core is around 5000 to 7000 degrees Celsius (9000 to 12500 degrees Fahrenheit)

  9. in short, i would call it "suicide"

  10. As you know, you would be incinerated by the conditions deep within the Earth. If we assume that this doesn't happen... neglecting air resistance, and assuming that the Earth is a perfect sphere, you should fall to the centre of the Earth and your momentum would then carry you to the other side. I read somewhere that this process would take 42 minutes although I'm not sure if that's a reliable calculation. You would then start falling back in the direction in which you came, and continue oscillating forever.

    If air resistance is taken into account, you will not reach the other end of the tunnel; you will eventually settle in the centre.

  11. The trip is quite boring. At the beginning, you fall toward the center of the earth with speed 0 but acceleration g ( As you charge down, the acceleration drops, but your speed increases. You won't feel anything since you are insulated from the heat. You won't hear anything since it is a vacuum tube. You feel weightless. The tube is likely dark. At the center, your speed reaches maximum while the acceleration drops to 0. Beyond the center, you decelerate, emerging to the surface at another end.

  12. I'm hoping your hole is also air conditioned since it would be pretty hot in there, but yes, if you take away all the things that would slow you down (i.e. Air resistance or friction) then you would just keep falling back and forth forever. There is nothing magical about the center of the earth... If you stopped yourself at that point you would feel weightless since all of the earth's mass would be pulling on you from all directions with more or less equal strength. You would just float there.

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