
What would happen is a black jumping spider bit you?

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it is big and black and i found it by my window fangs are big and long.




  1. Hm. 30 years of playing with those things and I've never been bit. I would guess it wouldn't be much worse than a wasp or bee sting... Jumping spiders are the only kind I mess with anymore...

  2. Many people find spiders repulsive and scary, yet the majority of spiders are harmless and beneficial. Only four kinds of spiders are known to cause health problems in the U.S.

    You can ID your spider here -

  3. "Big and black" could be anything. If you start feeling nauseous then call 911 ASAP. Even if you start feeling like a little bit tipsy. Depending on what kind of spider it could have been dangerous to humans. Also it depends on where you live.

  4. I have heard reports of people being bitten by some species of jumping spider, which was described as briefly painful.  A short lived stinging sensation.  Only when they are guarding their eggs are they aggressive, otherwise they would rather flee.  When they are guarding their eggs, they will stand their ground and may try to bite.

    Jumping spiders are among my favorite spiders, because they have the best vision of all the arthropods, and use their silk as a tether to make crazy jumps to pounce on prey, which are often times bigger then they are!  I have seen them jump *up* walls, *OVER* a piece of paper I was trying to herd it with, and land flat on the wall above the paper.  I have even seen them jump across the ceiling after a fly, and catch it!

    While all male spiders have to do a little dance to make sure the female is "in the mood", jumping spiders are by far the most elaborate.  They don't just flail their front legs about, but they also beat their abdomens in sync with their legs, like they are making music for them to dance too!

  5. nothing probably cause the only black spider that would really do much harm here is the black widow and they don't jump, so you might have a red spot if it did bite you, but spiders are very scared of humans and tend to run away, alot of garden type spiders come in on window seals and through door cracks, there was a black spider in my bathroom on the window just the other day, i just SQUOOSHED it.

  6. if you found in your window sieal probably not much would happen if you found one in a banana tree you be dead

  7. Jumping Spiders are among the most harmless of all animals on our planet.  Even the biggest one could not bite you if it wanted to, and it wouldn't want to.

    This wonderful species of spider is only interested in one thing:  insects it can leap on and eat.  They are fascinating little guys and many have large, very colorful fang covers, which is probably what you are thinking are the fangs.  These can be metallic green blue, red, or purple.  When they are courting, they dance around and wave their little legs in the air to attract their mate.  Some are very beautiful, with abdomens colored in red, orange, black, white, or yellow.  They have very good eyesight, and can actually shift their eyes around "inside" their head to target in on their prey.  They do not build webs but can secrete webbing.

    Next time you see one, look at it closely through a magnifying glass and you'll see just how unique and interesting they are.  The more you know and understand them, the more you will lose your fear.  Remember, you are much bigger, stronger, and smarter than they are.

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