
What would happen (legaly) if your brother molested you ?

by  |  earlier

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its happening to my best friend, and im over at her house all the time(shes with me right now). shes 15 and hes 17, almost 18. shes about to take it to court and tell her parents, but she wants to know what would happen to him. like jail time or what ?

**its been happening ever since she could remember.... as young as 4 or 5.




  1. it'll open up a big can-o-worms, but ultimately I'd say that's better than her going through her whole life wishing she had spoken up.

    I'm guessing child protective services may remove her from the home, at least temporarily.   Her brother will probably be arrested and if there is enough evidence, tried - probably as a juvenile.  If convicted, my guess is he'll get a slap on the wrist, but he'll have to register as a s*x-offender everywhere he goes for the rest of his life.

    Also, my guess is that her parents and other relatives might be pissed off at her.  they might not believe her and even if they do they might not like that she's rocking the boat and embarassing them and causing conflict.

    Lots of c**p will rain down, but ultimately if she speaks up about it now and takes a stand she'll have less psychological fallout about it later.

    ...on a side note, not that I don't believe you or your friend since I don't even know you, ... but she better be telling the truth because once she throws that accusation out there she is permanently messing up a lot of lives.  If it's true it's worth it.  If it's anything other than true then she's committing a reprehensible act by accusing him.

  2. well if he was an adult it could be classified as rape orr even child mullesting. This means a lot of jail time. But first she would have to have evidence. But he would go to jail.  

  3. If it was happening that long then he could be facing jail but it will be minimum because she is going to grow up and be with a man,but it might be longer because she is a minor.He also might be charged as a child molester when he grows up.The government keeps track of Child molesters and they send out letters to certain people in their neighbourhood to warn them.

    But she should definitly take him to court and let him go to jail to learn his lesson. I mean what happens if he does it again to someone else?She is going to be salty then, and wish she took him to court.

  4. He would probably get more counselling and not go to jail.  If he molested her he will DEFINITELY molest other children later on so it's important she report it.

    No use asking parents to help cause they won't do anything.

    Best luck.

    PS: If she doesn't want him to do hard time she'd better report it BEFORE he turns 18!  Then he can get counselling he needs and it will disappear from his record later.  If she waits and then does it later he will go away for a long time, and it will never go off his record.

  5. He will be punished.  She needs help right now to stop this abuse and what happens to the brother is really insignificant to this fact.  She should tell her parents immediately and yet be prepared that they may not accept everything she says right away at face value.  Therefore, she must be strong enough to follow through with the police on her own if her parents don't take immediate action.  

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