
What would happen on an airplane, if I used my ipod, when I was told not to?

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What would happen on an airplane, if I used my ipod, when I was told not to?




  1. They ask you not too because the electronics of the ipod can interfere with the navigational equipment.  

    In reality, I believe they do it so that they can have your attention when they are trying to instruct you on the aircraft emergency procedures.

  2. In reality it will probably do nothing to the navigation but I guess it could

  3. they could confiscate it, but i doubt it.  you can use your ipod in flight, as well as any other mp3 player or psp, but as long as the wireless capabilities are shut off during flight.  I when from texas to georgia with my psp on, and no one told me anything.

  4. It will interfere with the computerized devices and controls.  If they tell you NO it's NO

  5. You'll be asked again, not to, and if you cause trouble, you'll be arrested on the plane if there is a federal marshal aboard, or as soon as the plane lands.

  6. It could mess with the navigation!

    On most flights you can listen to it before the plane takes off and when you are fully in the air.

    Ask your attendant when or if you can use it!


  7. They actually proved that nothing happens on an airplane if you used your computers, cell, ipods, etc during take off and landing.  now its convincing the airlines that you can use your electronics.

  8. An IPod has absolutely nothing to do with interfering with the flight's controls. The reason you are not allowed to use approved electronic devices from the point the cabin door is closed until 10,000ft, and on final descent, is that your attention cannot be diverted elsewhere in case of an emergency. Most aircraft accidents occur during these times, and if you are sitting there with your eyes closed and music in your ears, you may miss any emergency briefings if something should happen.

    If you were to ignore the rules, you will most likely get a stern look and a warning from a flight attendant to put it away. Keep ignoring them, you may have it confiscated until landing or the flight may be met by authorities. Your choice of how it goes.

    Cell phones, on the other hand, are strictly prohibited as soon as the door closes until landing. Even though Mythbusters has had this "busted" and people say all the time they've left their phones on accidentally, there are so many different phones out there, so many providers, phones have tons of different capabilities, that it is not possible to determine 100% there is no interference. For safety's sake, and to avoid being the idiot hauled off the plane for not following the rules, keep them off when the flight attendants say it.

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