
What would happen???

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if i took 30 tylenol pm simply sleep 25 mg it contains Diphenhydramine.... and 30 Alprazolam .25mg would it cause an overdose? ive been told it can but i dont believe it and no im not suicidal!




  1. You took 30 Tylenol tablets, and 30 Alprazolam tablets?

    That sounds very dangerous to me - you shouldn't take more than 2 Tylenol at one time, and I'm sure you shouldn't take more than 2 Alprazolam either.

    You may want to ask this in Medicine.

  2. If you really need to know for some reason, why not ask the question in the correct category? This is Astronomy and Space. Is that a sufficiently serious answer?

  3. You would do better to ask that question under "medicine," rather than "astronomy and space."

    But it does seem that 30 Tylenol PM would be a lethal overdose; that is, it would kill you.

    I would strongly suggest you talk this over with a trusted adult who has a medical background.  Your school nurse, public health nurse, guidance counselor, or family physician.

  4. Yes, it would cause an over dose. Read the bottle! Would you die? That depends upon you general physical health and metabolism. At the very least you'll get very sick and probably end up in the hospitable. If you don't believe me, try it for yourself and find out. Just don't say you weren't warned.

    Incidentally, why are you looking for serious answers to such a stupid and dangerous course of action?

  5. One problem is that you only need ~ 8 tylenol to cause permanent liver damage.

    So 30 Tylenol is gonna cause some serious damage - you will probably die a slow and painful death
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