
What would happen...

by  |  earlier

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...if when the reverend said, "if anyone has any objections, let them speak now..." someone actually objected? Would they have to stop the ceremony and not proceed? I always wondered.




  1. usually depending on the objection being used they will stop and cleared situation, you have to stop cleared, I mean they could be stopping the wedding because either party could already be married. Situation would have to be cleared out and then ceremony would continue.

  2. thats an awful tradition.

  3. Sometimes they will stop the ceremony & deal with the issue the person brings up (whatever their objection is).  Other times they would just have the ushers escort the person out.  

  4. Typically it's just to show the family & friend's unity in support of the couple and their acceptance.  So it's innapropriate for anyone to actually say anything during that time.  

  5. I think they ask the person why they object and if the couple still wants to proceed they go for it.  If you are worried bout this at your wedding, you can ask the minister to leave that part out. :)

  6. the ceremony already stoped then and dsirupted, and i guess you'd have to deal with it...clear it out before proceeding, think the priest would ask after objection stated wheter you both wants to proceed

  7. Each officiant has a different answer on how they would handle it.

    Some would ask the objector to make his/her objections known right then and there. Some would take the bride, groom and objector aside and talk with them. Some would consider the objector a trouble-maker and ask him/her to leave (or to be "escorted" out).

    It really is up to the officiant as to what his policy is in that situation.

    Hope this helps!
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