
What would happen to Iraq if an immediate withdrawal took place?

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Would the new government be able to keep things under control?

Would the economy improve?

Would the people become safer?




  1. The Taliban would take control of the country and purge (kill) everyone in the government, and murder innocent citizens who do not follow Muslim beliefs.

  2. The leadership would be assassinated and the mullahs would regain control.Then it would be the governments choice to throw away our sacrifices of the past few years, or fight another war.

  3. The astoundingly corrupt govt we support would likely follow all the embezzled money from the Reconstruction fund to various tax shelter countries around the world.

    After they (Maliki govt) managed to beat our army to the planes leaving the country, the remaining Iraqis would likely reject the giveaway oil contracts signed by Ahmed Chalabi and open negotiations with all of the other countries around them.

    The Iranians would also very likely raise h**l in the U.N. about why the U.N. allowed USA and Nato to give them such a butt raping.

    They do not have to be worried about invasion fron Iran, Syria, Saudo Arabia or any other Arab countries. Those places all have their hands full.

    They might have to fend off Israeli settlers though.

  4. I agree with the first person.  We are there.  We started we cannot leave in undone

  5. Jeremy and Vernon are idiots. There have never been Taliban or Mullahs in Iraq. They belong in Afghanistan and Iran, respectively.

  6. iraq would hate us for leaving it in an unstable position and turn on us along with he rest of the middle east, and ultimatly all the american casualties would have been in vein.  

  7. Absolute chaos and Iranian invasion.

  8. No it would not be able to keep anything under control.

    The economy would become worse.

    More people would die from civil wars, territorial fights etc.

  9. The same thing that has been going on with the Muslims for hundreds of years, kill one another in the name of Allah!  Shia vs Sunni's..

  10. Afghanistan would get more troops

  11. The same thing that is happening now, infighting between Kurd, Sunni and Shiites.  There will be no American soldiers dying though.

    The government would be fractured, as it is now.

    Their economy would be worse for them.  They are living off the US taxpayer now and will have to spend their own domestic oil surplus.

    Since most of the people that were living in multi-religious sect neighborhoods have been executed or run out, it should reletively safe.  There will be clashes of rival clerics for power.

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