
What would happen to Prince Philip and the Queen if they were found guilty?

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of playing a part in arranging the death of Princess Diana and Dodi Al Fayed ?




  1. Who knows, probably nothing, l can not see them being in court, ever. l do not like Prince Philip to be honest, l think he is a nasty, mean little man, l would not be surprised to hear if he was involved with this act myself, he has been reported to have said and done many nasty things to people including Fergie, Princess Diana, he seems to consider the 'firm' as all holy, but then this is just my view. l do feel sad for Mr Al Fayed, he is just trying to find out the truth of his son's death. If this all came out as something to do with the royal family, l do not think they would remain in power for long, as Princess Diana was very dear to many people's hearts, not too many people are fond of the royal family these days, lets face it, in the past they have been mean b******s to all and sundry.

    l am British born and l think the royal family are a great waste of tax payers money.  Just my opinion though, sorry Lizzie!!

  2. The scuzzy butler said The Queen told him there were forces at work. No one knows for sure what the Queen says because she doesn't give interviews or speaks to the press. So you rely on people who sell their "stories" to the press.

    The butler, who claims to be protecting Diana's memory, has kept her things for safe keeping - even though the boys are men and should have her possessions. (Oddly, some of Diana's personal possessions 'accidentally' made it to auction.) The butler has written a bunch of books about her - and further annoyed William and Harry. He has also sold stories to the press. So I treat anything out of his mouth with a grain of salt.

    As for who killed Diana - IF she was killed as opposed to dying in an accident - it is just as likely she was the innocent victim of the Al Fayed's former business associates (it's reported they made a fortune selling arms). Recent documentaries have suggested Dodi was the object of an assassination, not Diana.

  3. Well the jurors would all have very serious, indeed fatal car accidents and large sums of money would be found in their Bank accounts transferred from Mr Al Fayeds accounts, thus destroying the credibility of the Jury. Liz and Phil or Zorba as we call him would live in luxury for a few more years, until one of Camilla's plots to despatch them suceeds.

  4. Maybe they'll introduce capital punishment again, especially for them.

    "Off with the heads"???

    Diana was murdered but i do doubt the queen was involved! The rest of the establishment is another story altogether!

  5. This is a ridiculous question.  They had nothing to do with Diana's death.  Please, she was the mother of their grandchildren for heaven's sake.

  6. No court in England would hear such a case. The Queen and her bunch are above the law, at least in their own eyes and those of their blind followers. Kinda like G.W. here in the united States of America.

  7. Found guilty by who?

    Dodi Fayed's father is a nut case.

  8. Well, if Prince Philip commited a crime he would be prosecuted like anyone else, for example the Queen's daughter was fined for not keeping her dogs under control.

    Now, the case of the Queen is a bit more complicated.  There is a royal prerogative (kind of like a royal power written in tradition), that the Queen can do no wrong.  Also, since all cases in court are taken in the name of the Queen, the Queen couldn't sue herself.

    So, the short answer would be: nothing would happen to the Queen, she has inmunity (actually many monarchies have these written in their constitutions).

    Now, parliament has changed the law to allow for members of the goverment to be sued, so in theory it is the Queen suing herself.  What would happen if the Queen commited a grave crime?  That would cause a constitutional crisis, probably parliament would change the laws as to allow for the prosecution of the Queen.

    I hope this helps.

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