
What would happen to a cop if he/she lost his gun?

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Silly question, just curious.




  1. They would have to write more traffic tickets to hard working citizens to make enough money to buy a new one.

  2. Our local Chief of Police left his rig in his car and the pistol was stolen therefrom...

    Not much [other than embarrassment], but then he IS the Chief.  :-)

  3. Depends on the department. If you are a veteran with a long service history of being responsible and not getting into trouble. Then you will probably face a short suspension (unpaid) and a write up.

    If you are a rookie, then you will probably be fired.

    But it also depends on the circumstances, if you leave your gun on the counter at the local Denny's, then expect to get into far more trouble than if someone broke into your locked car and took the gun out of your glove compartment.  

  4. Depends on the circumstances of the "Loss."  If it were stolen, then it could probably happen to anyone... If it were lost in a foot pursuit, then maybe a day or two for tactics.  If it were taken from him/her, then a firing might be in order or whatever the department deems necessary...  Remember that Onion Field thing?  Anyway, many factors influence the outcome....  

  5. They issue a new one and pray that the lost one is never used in a crime. That would be a PR nightmare and a huge liability issue.

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