
What would happen to an exposed human body in space?

by  |  earlier

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so in complete vacuum, no suit, just a human body...

would it boil due to zero gravity?




  1. well, taken for granted that I will be a glass and sea water will be the space,

    at first,when i started to go down the water, nothing will happen but as i go lower and lower, glass will be broken because of the pressure

    it is very possible for a person to go to space but it is very possible that he/she will die

  2. This may be what you are looking for:

    Of course it depends WHERE in Space the body would be.

  3. you'd freeze.  It's like -100 degrees up there.

  4. read the dozens of other responses to this EXACT question, or even better... read the story about it.

  5. you'd freeze that's all i can say but dont even try doin it

  6. dude, are you seriously that ******* bored you ask the question 10 times over a day on diffrent names?)

    i HIGHLY doubt, even given the apparently intelligence level of Y!A, this question is legitamtely asked this many times a day.

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