
What would happen to humans if anything if I had the power to rid of all?

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of all bugs on this earth? How bad would it s***w up life in general?

I really hate bugs, so I can dream.....




  1. Sure you can dream Countess! btw, Kerbachard will get back in the groove, soon. He is gettin' fired up over the workers comp thing, kinda fighting a battle on unfamiliar turf, but he seems to be holding steady and standing his ground.

    In the world of MySpace, he is about to awake from a dream and will be searching for you. Happy 4th btw.

  2. Insects play a monumental, yet widely unappreciated, role in ecosystems throughout the world.

    Without them, things on planet Earth would be much different. Insects take part in pollination, nutrient recycling, the food cycle, and population control.

    Once the food chain is affected it definitely affects human in long run...

  3. Some people would rejoice until they found out they were going to die. Then people would beat you up. Then there'd be an uproar as people called for your head on a stick. Then you would be on CNN and Fox News and people would kick in their TV sets. People would get sick and die because you killed all the good bacteria in their bodies. Most plant life would die off, many animals. People would die of hunger. Animals that mostly eat insects would be attacking humans and other animals for food. Rabies and other diseases would spread. You wouldn't like it very much.

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