
What would happen to our world if we ran out of oil tomorrow?

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What would happen to our world if we ran out of oil tomorrow?




  1. bush would commit suicide

  2. We would start to starve within a weeks because no food would be delivered to our cities, repairs would not be made and basic services would fail so we would be without water and electricity. Even in rural areas where food is grown,  crops not be harvested and since most of farming is for cash crops  the variety of food to keep people healthy would not  be available. We use to live without oil but the population  of the earth was much less then.and most of us no longer have the skills we need to survive in that world.

  3. When you think about it, not as much as people commonly think will happen.

    At least, for a little while.

    There'll be a short time in which we try to prop up society regardless of the loss of our primary energy source (other than manpower), but sooner or later people will be blinded by ambition or fear.

    One must always remember the balance...

  4. No more Air pollution.  No more Traffic. No more War in the Mid-East.  No more noisy Machineries. No more Electricity. No more processed food. No more Clothes. No where to go....

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