
What would happen to the federal budget if social security was not included?

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What would happen to the federal budget if social security was not included?




  1. The social security surplus (taxes - payments ) is about 85 billion dollars this year which would be added to the deficit. The surplus will decline every year going forward and will be zero in about 10 years.

  2. Embezzlement would be even more on the increase.

  3. defecit would be gone, no to less  public assistance fraud (like drug dealers and pimps drawing welfare when they really make more money that people that actually contribute), lower taxes, alot of good. The only real downside would be that the dems would be all P.O.ed. In fact, accoridng to Ron Paul in his book (The Revolution: A Manifesto) if we had a stricly free-market aproach to insurance, public assistance and so on, they would provide better care at lower cost and higher efficiency (as opposed to those systems with major government regulation and interferance like we currently have).

  4. Nothing because greedy politicians would spend it on some thing else .

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