
What would happen to you if you fell in a black hole?

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What would happen to you if you fell in a black hole?




  1. First, you would start to stretch, and your feet (if they were closest to the black hole) would start to glow red. Time, relevant to you stays the same, but to an outside observer, it ticks slower. Then you are almost completely squashed into a thread, and your whole body becomes red, because the gravity pulls the wavelengths longer (red). Time is much slower from the outside, same to you. By now you are dead, but if we theoretically could still survive, you would reach the event horizon, where you cannot escape, your fate is sealed. Time almost completely stops now, and eventually you fade into nothingness. But you are reborn as hawking radiation. 1 pair of particles at time. 1 particle will fall inside the black hole again and 1 outside and escapes. This is how black holes EVENTUALLY fade. However, it would take 100 billion billion billion billion billion billion years for a black hole with the mass of our sun to evaporate.

  2. You'd be ripped apart by tidal forces before you

    got near enough to find out.

  3. Well they actually say that maybe you would go through a wormhole into a white hole. Which kind of fascinates me. So yeah. They even think there may be one in the Bermuda Triangle.

  4. It depends on the environment of the black hole.

    If the black hole were in a perfect vacuum, and it was a large black hole, you'd be OK as you fell through the event horizon and even for a while once you were inside.  Then you'd undergo the "spaghettification" mentioned above and would subsequently be crushed to a point.

    If the black hole were accreting material, however, you would see a huge flash as you crossed the event horizon, as an infinite amount of accretion would appear to happen in an instant.  This would fry you as you crossed the event horizon.

  5. well since its never happened we can only theories but my consensus is that the person would be ripped up and die instantly

  6. You would implode..not too good. I'd stay away from those...

  7. Maybe the great difference in pressure between your head and your feet will make you become as long as spaghetti.

    Oh I don't know for sure I had no experience !

  8. wont have a chance to meet the black hole itself

    you see, the black hole itself is a minimun piece of compressed matter, just in the center of the swarzchild limit sphere (the black part)

    also called event horizon

    if I'd fallen in it, I'll be torn appart inmediatelly

    and only my quarks will reach the center

  9. You would be stretched out like a long piece of chewing gum, because the part of you nearest the black hole would be sucked in first.

    Once any part of you crossed the Event Horizon surrounding the black hole, to an outside observer, that part of you would just disappear. By that time you would not be in any state to complain.

  10. You would be compressed to an infinitesimal size before you fell into it and reduced to your component particles thereafter. Needless to say, you would never emerge.

  11. You would be compressed with great pressure and then you would become really long which first would cause your feet to be ripped of  then your molecules and atoms will rip.I am not sure but if you knew some information say a cellphone number that information would probably never exist and go into the black hole just like light and we don't know whats inside a black hole thats why the information won't exist cause it would be nowhere.

  12. My theory is a black hole is a natural transporter that allows you to travel place to place without it being long. During travel at light speed the body is stretch out and returns to natural after exiting, or the body is torn atom by atom and rebuilt.

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