
What would happen to your baby if you had to call 911 and go to the hospital?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know what made me think of this, but I thought about it today and it got me curious......

What if you were at home alone and something happened (you got bit by something poisonous, heart attack, anything that would require you to call 911.) What would they do with your baby?

Obviously they would have to take it with you, but if you're unconscious what would they do with your baby when you got to the hospital?? Would they just take it to the nursery?

I ask this because I have a 6 week old and my husband works almost an hour away and if something happened where I had to call 911, there would be no way for him to get here before the paramedics got here.




  1. They would take them into a baby ward or children ward and keep them under observations to make sure that everythings ok and if it did happen to your child ring the paramedics and then your husband so he can leave work and meet you at the hospital  

  2. The first thing you do is type up a list of emergency info to put on the refrigerator. If the paramedics are called in and you are unable to communicate they will look for contact info in places like that. This list should include any vital medical info, or a place for them to locate the info. It should also include your name, age and emergency contact info.

    When my son was 3 I had a really bad gallbladder attack and called 911. They decided that I needed to go to the hospital. They asked me if there was someone they could call for me to come get my son. Luckily I had a friend down the street who was able to be on my porch in 5 minutes.

  3. That's a good question.

    They would not take the baby to the nursery because of germs, even homebirth babies are sometimes not allowed in the normal infant floor, instead they are put on the pediatric ward.

    I honestly don't have an answer.  CPS would probably take too long to respond.  I would imagine they would put the baby in a crib on the pediatric floor -but what if the baby caught something?

    This is a friend of my cousin's you could try e-mailing him?

  4. Most big cities have a crisis nursery where kids go in those situations. If nothing else there would be a social worker called in until your husband showed up.

  5. I think they would take the baby in to child services until they could reach somebody, like a family or friend.  

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