
What would happen when we died??

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What would happen when we died??




  1. the unpredictable...

  2. 100 years after we died all the metal stuff begens to rust

    500 years after we die

    animals will roam the citys

    vains well gorw over the citys

    10000 years after we everything will be normal like citys wil turn into mountins

  3. No-one knows yet. It could be another life. It could be heaven. It could be h**l. It could be summer land. It could be turning into a ghost or spirit. could be anything.  

  4. i think ur body decomposes, (duh) but your spirit goes somewhere. and where that somewhere is, i don't know. All i know is that it's going to be extremely exciting to find out.

    can't wait!

  5. I can't wait to find out what happens to me when I die.

    No, no. Can I take that back? I can wait to find out.

    In fact, I want to wait a long time to find out.

    I want to wait a very, very, very long time to find out.

    In fact, I want to wait forever to find out.

    Look, I've got 1,275 points on YA.

    The longer I live, the more points I will get.

    I'll give all my points to you. Just please don't kill me.

    I've never done anything to you. Please leave me alone.

    Ok, if I did anything to you it was an accident.

    I'll give you all my points. Just leave me alone.


  6. we would go to heaven. duh! (: and everyone would be dead. we would end up like the dinosours, but instead of humans finding us aliens will! hahaha

  7. It all depends what you believe in.

    1. Christians will believe they go to heaven or h**l depending on what they did in their lives.

    2. Jewish, Islamists will believe that they will also go to either heaven or h**l or whatever they call their place of death.

    3. Buddists and Hinduists (similar religions) will believe in the re-incarnation.

    4. Atheists believe nothing will happen at all.

    5. Scientists (new age not the old dimwits with their stagnant ideas) will try and find a rational between religion and science that is most logical. In that sense yes heaven (positive energy) is where the your energy goes to if you were positive in your life (and did positive things) or to h**l (negative energy). These energy sources exist side-by side and make up the complete circle (god) that keeps the universe intakt. At some point in time some of this energy will find itself into a living creature and hence re-incarnation. Problem is will you have the same thoughts ideas (depends). Therefore all religious aspects hold some truth if you look at it from a very logical point of view.

    As for your previous self whatever you were it could be that in time a.)your fossilized remains are found by an organic or inorganic lifeform. b.) you find the the fossilized remains of yourself (this is confusing what I mean to say if you were a dinosaur once and died only to come back as a human you might find the dinosour your energy once inhabited (to make it live) but will never know it was you because you have no recollection of it, Similar to the concept of the movie THE MUMMY RETURNS)

  8. Im pagan. So I believe that when we die our bodies go back into the earth. We get recycled and put back into the trees and air and things around us.

  9. no one knows that!

  10. OMGOSH, i wonder all teh time.. im christian, so i believe that we eithr go to heaven or h**l.. but im jus imaginin, wat wood it be like

    .. nuthin

    blackness forever

    not thinkin

  11. gone ,nothing the end

  12. Go up into the clouds.

    But when humans come instinct then the world would just be here, nothing on it at all.

    So you have to become eco-friendly otherwise the temp. gets higher. Antarctica melts. Sea level rises. Huge flood. We all die.

    World underwater.

  13. This is a question which we human beings do not have the answer... Many religions say things differently.. some say that we would either go to heaven or h**l depending on our actions in this life while others say that we would be reincarnated again depending on our actions... if u have done good actions u would be reincarnated as someone who has very high status and privileges and so on...

    What is really going to happen is unanswerable... But lets hope for the best... its d**n scary though...  

  14. Definitely no more dancing!

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