
What would happened to this country if it made it illegal to drink alcohol ?

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What would happened to this country if it made it illegal to drink alcohol ?




  1. A lot fewer dysfunctional or split families, a lot fewer alcoholics, and a lot less alcohol related deaths & injuries, automobile accidents, and lost brain cells. Less children lost and other innocent bystanders lost because of DUI's. On the downside, a lot of closed bars and restaurants liquor stores, a lot of jobs lost where alcohol is sold, made, etc.

  2. we'd probably go back to speak easys and such :]

  3. Look up "Prohibition". It happened once & was repealed.

  4. weed is illegal now and i can get access to it very easily so it would prob be the same w/ alcohol

  5. more people would puff the magic dragon (wink wink)

  6. The same thing that happened last time and the same thing that happens today wherever alcohol is illegal: People make it, smuggle it or buy it illegally.

  7. Ever hear of the Prohibition? Rum Running... Speakeasy's...

    it would happen all over again - but worse. People are more

    daring these days. The gangs don't respect life. There's still

    Moonshiners out there, they'd just get a bigger piece of the

    pie. And people would get more sh*t faced off that stuff. It

    would be terrible!

  8. Probably a lot less automobile accidents

  9. The Black Market and Gangs would have a Major new influx of Big Bucks like happened during the first time Prohibition was tried. Gang wars over turf will Skyrocket. As will the Deaths from Alcohol Poisoning. Illegal Drugs (Alcohol is the Most Dangerous and the True Gateway Drug of the World by the way.) have Always helped the Criminals and under world and done very little for society.

    That is my answer.

  10. the same thing that happened back in the 20's during prohabition.  Check an encyclopedia for information.  And they puffed the magic dragon back then too, and now, even though liquor is legal.

  11. I would buy it ILLEGALLY or make it my darn self!!!  

  12. I would make a lot of money from my homebrew.

  13. Well Prohibition would happen again. It wasn't a good idea then and it d**n sure wouldn't be a good idea now.

  14. I'd have a speak easy in my basement

  15. Been there, done that.

    Atleast we got the mafia out of it, lovely group of folks they are.

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